After checking in the previous version, I realised that it might be nice to support wide Live Tiles as well (tile templates are here). It seems that you can wrap your square tile into a wide tile and send one notification each time. Also, our logo images didn’t look very good so I’m turning them completely transparent for now. Here’s the update for MainPage
private void timer_Tick(object sender, object e)
viewModel.Generation += 1;
private void UpdateLiveTilesIfRequired()
if (viewModel.Generation % 50 == 0)
string line1 = string.Format("Generation: {0}", viewModel.Generation);
string line2 = string.Format("% Alive: {0}", cellMap.PercentageOfAliveCells);
var tileContentWide = TileContentFactory.CreateTileWideText05();
tileContentWide.TextBody1.Text = line1;
tileContentWide.TextBody2.Text = line2;
var tileContentSquare = TileContentFactory.CreateTileSquareText03();
tileContentSquare.TextBody1.Text = line1;
tileContentSquare.TextBody2.Text = line2;
tileContentWide.SquareContent = tileContentSquare;
var tileNotification = tileContentWide.CreateNotification();
Finally, when the app suspends or quits, we should make it apparent that we're no longer running. In App.xaml.cs
add the following to OnSuspending