Wide Live Tiles (and Cleanup)

After checking in the previous version, I realised that it might be nice to support wide Live Tiles as well (tile templates are here [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/hh761491.aspx]). It seems that you can

Simple Tiling

The default live tile for our application is rather unappealing. Surely there’s something better we can do with our 150x150px than that :) At the very least, we want to fix the title and display the current generation. Maybe some

Better Living Through Blitting

Our cooking/coding/kick-ass little group, Freshly Coded [http://www.freshlycoded.ca], has a graphics wizard: Nick. He is the magic behind all the nice UI and crazy-fast graphics you’ll see over on our joints project page [http://www.

A Tiny Shift in Thinking

> Relax. Step back. Try to divine the true nature of the problem. The object is not to count neighbors and check cell states as quickly as possible; that’s just one possible implementation. The object is to determine when

Some XAML optimization

We left off last time [http://jedidja.typepad.com/blog/2012/09/a-first-stab-at-life.html] with a naive working implementation of the Game of Life using XAML under Metro. When Abrash did his first profiling, it turned out the bulk of

A First Stab at Life

I remember discovering Michael Abrash [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Abrash] in the early 90s and being amazed with both his writing style and the crazy amount of speed he produced from “slow” machines. When I started researching this

A Metro Life

A couple days ago, Dave [http://crankery.com] (a fellow chef at Freshly Coded [http://freshlycoded.ca]) and I were talking about Windows 8 apps; I was hoping to find something simple/completable that could make it into the App

Testing JSON Error Results From Rails Functional Tests

At the end of Chapter 8 of Agile Web Development With Rails [http://pragprog.com/book/rails4/agile-web-development-with-rails], there is a seemingly innocuous exercise that says: > Write some functional tests for the product maintenance application ... Sounds easy enough :) And

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