Minecraft Camp Conclusion

This is the conclusion to a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft/]. What an interesting four days! Time for some reflection... What Went Right * It was fun for everyone. Apart from

Mod: Moustache Helmet and Superspeed Boots

This is the fourteenth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft/]. The class suggested these two mods on the second-last day of class :) I figured it was simple enough

Mod: Chainsaw

This is the thirteenth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft]. This is another suggestion from my class :) Goal To create a chainsaw item that can cut wood really

Sharing Your Mod

This is the twelfth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft]. Unlike the resource mods we created earlier (text [https://www.jedidja.ca/text-files/], images [https://www.jedidja.ca/

Mod: Something For Nothing

This is the eleventh lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft]. The mod is a suggestion from my class :) Goal Fill crafting table with ... * dirt and get 64 diamonds

Minecraft Forge Setup

This is the tenth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft]. Note: These instructions are only guaranteed valid for Minecraft 1.6.2 (with no mods installed) and Forge

Classes and Objects, Part Two

This is the ninth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft]. Let's take a closer look at our Block class. package net.minecraft.block; public class Block

Classes and Objects, Part One

This is the eighth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here [https://www.jedidja.ca/learn-programming-through-minecraft]. One of the most important topics Java we need to understand in for modding Minecraft is classes and

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