Primitive Types and Expressions

This is the seventh lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. Primitive Types There are several types of variables that are part of the Java language; these are called

Fundamentals, Part One

This is the sixth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. All of us here speak English and probably some French as well; those are two languages that people

Audio and Archive files

This is the fifth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. Audio: You've probably already heard of MP3 files, but Minecraft uses a different

Image files

This is the fourth lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. If you've ever changed your skin in Minecraft, you've used one type of image

Text files

This is the third lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. Perhaps the simplest kind of file on a computer is a text file; it is very similar to


This is the second lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. When you double-click on the Minecraft icon and the game starts, what's really happening? Quite a

A bit about networks

> This post is a part of an unfinished Appendix from a series of articles [] on introducing 10-year-olds to programming with the goal of making a simple Minecraft mod. Before we can talk about the

So, what's a computer?

This is the first lesson in a series introducing 10-year-olds to programming through Minecraft. Learn more here []. A computer is a collection of components. Each component has (at least) one responsibility that fits into four

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