Adding pure Java unit tests to an Android project

This post has a very slim target audience: developers who * are not familiar with gradle * are not familiar with android development * have some exposure to Java (enough to create a class) * have done mobile development (Windows Phone/iOS) * are interested

Dealing with a "protocol violation" on WP 8.1

In my last post [], I discussed how Windows Phone and Store apps will refuse to parse HTTP responses (namely headers) that do not strictly follow RFC2616 []

WP8 Debugging for Fun and ... Profit?

Since I lost several hours on this today, I thought I'd quickly share my experience. There were very few results for the inital terms I searched for so perhaps this may help someone in the future. Laziness I&


I've been having a lot of fun playing Hearthstone [] recently; what's kind of interesting with the new Battle.Net app launcher is looking at your purchase history with Blizzard. Somehow,

Developers + Canadian non-profits = success

or How to help out a Canadian non-profit on a shoestring budget. I've been trying to share my progress with helping out the Orléans Festival over the last few months, all the time saying to myself – I should

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