Crowdfunding your non-profit

You may have noticed a trend among many of my posts relating to the Festival: I have practically a $0 budget to work with. Perhaps in upcoming years I can work on that, but being the first time in this

Librarian in Training

I've probably spent at least eight hours over the last few months attempting to get all the Festival files (documents + photos) collated, organized, and backed up. Here's where I've learned so far. Services * Dropbox

Web hosting for your non-profit's website

I really need to spend some time and write a full page combining all these posts into step-by-step instructions. Maybe by the end of the month :) With the source code for your website safely stored away, it's time

Version control for your non-profit's website

Although there was some automated backup at the free shared hosting account [], that is of little comfort when you've made several changes to a website in one day and realize (too late) that

Master of your (non-profit's) domain

When I first started volunteering with the Orléans Festival, we were lucky enough to have free web hosting by a local company. There was "unlimited" disk space and bandwidth on a shared Linux box. Why move? As I

Displaying items

Without worrying about storing or retrieving from the database, let's integrate the model classes we created a while ago []. MainPageViewModel.cs public class MainPageViewModel : PropertyChangedBase { private ObservableCollection<Item>


Welcome back :) After wasting spending a couple weeks writing the "sprint two" post on data entry (and MVVM, DI, etc), I've realised that I need to focus on audience. Sean d'Souza and The Brain

The developer and the bathroom remodelling

We recently had our ensuite bathroom renovated. Remodelling a small ensuite is a simple job that should have taken 7 to 10 days. Almost eight weeks later, we're still not able to sign off on the work. We

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